
This core project develops dynamic analyses useful during workload characterization. All these analyses are written in DiSL, a domain‐specific language for Java bytecode instrumentation developed in cooperation between the University of Lugano, the Charles University in Prague and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Please follow these instructions if you want to use DiSL together with Apache Maven.

Pre‐Release Analyses

The following analyses are pre‐releases and are generally available for research.

Analysis Description
hashcode-disl-analysis A Dynamic Analysis Profiling The Usage of Hash‐Code Methods
immutability-disl-analysis A dynamic analysis profiling the (im)mutability and zeroing of fields
monitoring-disl-analysis A dynamic analysis profiling changes in monitor ownership
sharing-disl-analysis A dynamic analysis profiling the sharing of fields among multiple threads

The following analyses are not standalone analyses themselves, but rather useful building blocks for dynamic analyses. (All of the above analyses use them.)

Analysis Description
shadowheap-disl-analysis The abstract skeleton of a dynamic analysis using a shadow heap